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Comments on Nelson's promo on ordination

Here some comments on Dwight Nelson's sermon: Of Perfume and Tears and Grumpy Old Men delivered at Pioneer Memorial Church on January 21, 2012.

George Tasker
, making some bull’s eye comments
I've been watching Dwight Nelson's sermon. He spends the first 17 minutes banging on about how Jesus treated Mary and then tries to make out that the way he treated Mary would be the same as he would respond to men preventing women from being ordained. He doesn't explain why women don't make up the number of twelve apostles.
He then goes on to talk about how we cannot accept that the fact that a bishop is to be husband of one wife as proof that the bishop has to be male.

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False reasoning Led to the CUC decision

by (Pastor) E. Bruce Price

God’s people are being urged to continue to pray as they have never prayed before since the news of the action of the Columbia Union Conference spreads around the world and especially as the influence of this is threatening to spread elsewhere. The Columbia Union Conference is not some insignificant foreign language entity on some far-flung continent. It is one of the largest Union conferences in the great North American Division. In its territory is found the General Conference headquarters of the world church of Seventh-day Adventists and many of its officers live within this Union.

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Erken nu met geheel uw hart en ziel, dat niet een van alle goede beloften die de HERE, uw God, u gegeven heeft, onvervuld gebleven is. - Jozua 23:14

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